ELCIC Synod of Alberta and the Territories Meets in Convention; Delegates Re-Elect Bishop Ron Mayan

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) Synod of Alberta and the Territories (ABT) is meeting in convention June 3-6 at the University of Alberta, Augustana Campus in Camrose, AB. The 2010 ABT Convention commenced on Thursday evening with opening worship where ABT Synod Ron Mayan presided and ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson preached.

On Friday, delegates had a full day’s agenda of business before them, including a second ballot for the election of synod bishop. Bishop Ron Mayan, who was first elected to synod bishop in 2006, was re-elected on the second ballot.

Highlights from the ABT Synod Convention are available in their Convention Moments circular which is posted on the synod’s website at http://www.albertasynod.ca/convention/convention_moments_2010.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 152,500 baptized members in 607 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.

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