Stewardship Resources
For many, many years, the National Office ordered and sent out copies of the North American Ecumenical Stewardship Resource – Giving Magazine – to all ELCIC congregations free of charge. This annual publication, along with supporting resources, provided a wealth of stewardship content for congregations. In 2021, the organization that oversaw this resource voted to dissolve the organization so the magazine is no longer produced, but 40 years of Giving Magazine resources are now available DIGITALLY! All of these resources are available at no cost through the Lake Institute. To view these, visit:
Conversation on Gratitude and Generosity
Developed by the National Office, this “conversation starter” will help you explore your experience of gratitude and generosity, and become more comfortable sharing this aspect of our faith. Resources for this are minimal, just two people (can even be done individually as a personal reflection) and approximately 30 minutes to devote to the discussion. Use this in your congregation, your Bible study group, or even for your own family’s personal stewardship development.
Commitment Card
Order this on card stock and add a sticker to identify your congregation OR download from the links below and make the changes right on your own computer. This NEW design allows your members to see that your congregation supports all levels of ministry of the ELCIC.
• ready-to-print .pdf file
• ready-to-edit .doc file (front)
• ready-to-edit .doc file (back)
Time/Talent Commitment Sheet
Print and photocopy for use in your congregation!
2023/24 Annual Report Covers
Every year the ELCIC produces Annual Report Covers that can be used by any ELCIC congregation or ministry as a cover to your annual report. Included on the Annual Report Covers are devotions to open and close your annual meeting. Digital copies are available via the following links: