ELCIC National Bishop calls for prayers for all affected by flooding near Lima, Peru

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) National Bishop Susan C. Johnson is calling on all members of the church to pray for those affected by flash mud floods near Lima, Peru. Heavy rains in the mountains have triggered flooding which has affected the small cities of Chosica, Ricardo Palma and Chaclacayo, on the east side of Lima, the capital of Peru.

“We ask the members of the ELCIC to pray for the people affected by the flooding near Lima,” says Bishop Johnson. “We pray for their safety, we pray for those who mourn the death and loss of loved ones, and for those who have been affected by losing their homes, land, water supplies and electricity.”

Initial reports from ACT Alliance indicate that two people have died as a result of the floods, 31 injured, 5,478 affected, 1,607 in shelters, 569 houses destroyed and 525 houses semi-destroyed.

Some media reports now indicate that up to 3,000 homes have been destroyed due to the floods.

ACT Alliance says the area where the flooding occurred is “one of the most affected by poverty and desertification.” Due to the erosion on the slopes of the mountains, the strong streams dragged mud and stones, destroying houses, drinking water systems and drainages, roads, and electricity supply. The areas affected are mainly flooded by mud now with “sewages leaking, debris in the houses and stones in the roads and crosswalk.”

ELCIC long-term missionary in Peru Rev. Fran Schmidt notes that clean-up efforts are now underway in Chosica although many people in that region are still without access to clean water.

“The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peru [Iglesia Luterana Evangelica Peruana – ILEP] has been responding by coordinating volunteers and the donation of goods to deliver bottled water, dry goods, and clothing to those affected in the area, many of whom lost everything in the recent landslides in early April,” says Rev. Schmidt.   

“The area where the ILEP Community of Faith, Noe, has been gathering has also been affected as well as Lutheran members’ homes to various degrees. ILEP and the disaster response brigade from ILEP, in coordination with ACT, have been working to coordinate the distribution of goods but there will be a need for some time.”

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR), the ELCIC’s partner for international relief and development work, has responded to an appeal from ACT to assist with the relief efforts following the Peru floods by providing $5,000 from CLWR’s international emergency fund. Donations designated by ELCIC members for the relief efforts will go towards replenishing the emergency fund. Any funds received over $5,000 would be an additional contribution to the relief efforts. Diaconia, CLWR’s primary partner in Peru and the Peruvian Lutheran relief and development agency, is the ACT member responding to the situation.

Donations may be made in the following ways:

  1. ELCIC members may donate to the appeal by making a designated offering donation for “Peru Flood 2012” through their ELCIC congregation.
  2. Donations may also be made through CLWR.
    • Online at  https://clwr.encryptedsecure2.com/Donation_System/. Choose the “General Donation” option. On the form’s drop-down menu, chose Peru Flood 2012.
    • By credit card over the phone by calling toll-free: 1.800.661.2597. If you do not need to use a toll-free line or are calling locally from the Winnipeg area, call: 204.694.5602.
    • By sending a cheque made payable to CLWR to 302-393 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3H6. Please indicate in your correspondence that you wish to contribute to Peru Flood 2012.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 145,376 baptized members in 594 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.

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Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6

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