ELCIC, CLWR launch emergency appeal following deadly earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

ELCIC, CLWR launch emergency appeal following deadly earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) joins with our partner Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) in calling for prayers for those affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria and to give generously to support their urgent humanitarian needs.

On February 6, during the early hours of the morning, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the border region, with a second major earthquake hitting Türkiye again just hours later. Aftershocks have been felt across the region since.

Key infrastructure, including residential buildings, roads and power grids have been destroyed. Historical landmarks – some that have stood for more than 2,300 years – have also been heavily damaged.

Among those affected are millions of refugees and displaced people living near the border of Syria and Türkiye (commonly known as Turkey, but whose traditional name has been recognized by the international community since 2022.)

The situation for these already vulnerable and displaced populations has been made almost inconceivably worse, as their makeshift camps are not equipped to withstand an earthquake of this magnitude, and many have lost their homes during a cold snap with overnight temperatures below freezing. 

Individuals and congregations wishing to support relief efforts can donate as follows:

– Make a designated offering for “Türkiye and Syria Earthquake” through any ELCIC congregation

– Call CLWR at 1-800-661-2597 (locally at 204-694-6502) to donate or go online to clwr.org/earthquake

– Send a cheque made payable to CLWR and mailed to CLWR, 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0W5. Please indicate that you wish to contribute to “Türkiye and Syria Earthquake”