A Joint Christmas Message From the Primate and National Bishop

When we remember 2021, we will remember the pandemic and its global effects as wave after wave of illness, lockdowns, missed events and lost opportunities washed over us.

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Task Force Addressing Homophobia, Biphobia And Transphobia Invites LGBTQ2SIA Community to Share Stories, Experiences

The task force addressing homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) is inviting people in the LGBTQ2SIA community to share stories and experiences in order to help form the task force’s report and recommendations.

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End of Year Giving

Financial support at various expressions of the ELCIC enables us to all live out the call within our church, the wider community and the world. As we draw near the end of the year, you and the members of your congregation may be considering end-of-year gifts to ensure these vital ministries have the ongoing support they need.

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Lutheran, Anglican Bishops Write to the Prime Minister About the Climate Crisis

October 5, 2021

Bishops from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada have written to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the climate crisis. Their calls for action come as the Canadian government prepares to participate in next month’s UN Climate Change Conference.

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Telling And Teaching The Truth: The Church’s Obligation To Education About the Ongoing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery

September 23, 2021

Leaders from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Anglican Church of Canada, The Episcopal Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have written to their churches as a sign of their commitments to the work toward truth, healing, justice and accurate education.

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National Bishop Invites Church to Pray for Peach in the Middle East

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) National Bishop Susan C. Johnson invites members of the church pray for peace in the Middle East on the 24th of each month. The regular call to prayer is part of a global ecumenical prayer vigil initiated by ACT Alliance.

You may wish to pray together as a family, as office/parish colleagues, or as a congregation on the 24th of each month as part of the vigil, says Bishop Johnson, noting that the first opportunity for ELCIC members to participate in the vigil will be on Palm Sunday, March 24. During these most sacred days of prayer, I encourage you to also remember the people who live in the Holy Land today and their deep yearning for peace. 

The full letter from the National Bishop follows.

March 14, 2013

Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Dear friends in Christ,

Grace to you and peace in the name of Christ our Saviour!

I am writing today to invite you to pray for peace in the Middle East on the 24th of each month.

This is part of a global ecumenical prayer vigil that invites people around the world to pray for the Christian communities in Palestine and Israel, for all those who are suffering in the Holy Land, for Palestinians and Israelis, and for peace in the Middle East and the world.

This vigil was initiated by ACT Alliance, of which Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is a member. Additional information about the prayer vigil for peace in the Middle East, including the opportunity to sign up your congregation or group as a participant, can be found at: www.actpalestineforum.

This invitation to prayer has come to the ELCIC through our membership in The Lutheran World Federation. It is in harmony with the 2009 ELCIC National Convention Resolution on Peace in the Holy Land that “commits this church to supporting and working for justice and peace in the Holy Land by praying for peace in the Holy Land.” (www.elcic.ca/Public-Policy/documents/600.52009- ELCICResolutiononPeaceintheHolyLand.pdf)

You may wish to pray together as a family, as office/parish colleagues, or as a congregation on the 24th of each month as part of this vigil. Participating in the vigil comes with an invitation to contribute prayers, sermons and other worship materials to the Resources section of the prayer vigil.

The global vigil began on December 24, 2012 and continues across the globe on the 24th of every month until the Israeli occupation is dismantled, violence in the Middle East ends, and all can celebrate a just and lasting negotiated resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The first opportunity for ELCIC members to participate in this vigil will be on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013. During Holy Week, scripture and worship move our attention and imaginations to the Holy Land as we ponder Christ’s Passion. During these most sacred days of prayer, I encourage you to also remember the people who live in the Holy Land today and their deep yearning for peace.

I thank you for all the prayers you offer, for the needs of the world and for the mission of the church. And I thank you for all the ways that you serve, give and tell every day as a church In Mission for Others.

Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Susan C. Johnson,
National Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

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