ELCIC Task Force

June is 2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Month

June marks 2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Month across all of North America.

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National Bishop Susan Johnson writes to the church on the call to uphold dignity

“Through the 2011 Social Statement on Human Sexuality, the ELCIC is committed to upholding the dignity of all people and to engaging in practices that more fully enable all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, to live as members of the body of Christ.”

ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson has shared a pastoral letter with the church and 2SLGBTQIA+ community on upholding the dignity of all people.

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Task Force Addressing Homophobia, Biphobia And Transphobia Invites LGBTQ2SIA Community to Share Stories, Experiences

The task force addressing homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) is inviting people in the LGBTQ2SIA community to share stories and experiences in order to help form the task force’s report and recommendations.

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