Reformation Day Liturgical Material Available

October 23, 2012 – Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) congregations are invited to use liturgical material prepared by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to celebrate Reformation Sunday.

The materials can be downloaded in English, German, French and Spanish at:

Reformation Sunday is celebrated annually on (or around) October 31 to mark the beginning of the Reformation, launched when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg in 1517.

ELCIC congregations are invited to use these materials. Alternative prayers, Bible readings or hymns can be substituted to adapt the liturgy to respective contexts.

LWF is a global communion of Christian churches in the Lutheran tradition. Founded in 1947 in Lund, Sweden, the LWF now has 145 member churches in 79 countries all over the world representing over 70 million Christians.

The ELCIC is an active member of the LWF. At the 11th LWF General Assembly held at Stuttgart in 2010, ELCICs National Bishop Susan C. Johnson, was elected to the LWFs Council where she serves as Vice-President for the North American Region.

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Synod of Alberta and the Territories Bishop announces retirement; Special convention to be held in October

Winnipeg, 15 September 2012–In a letter to members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) Synod of Alberta and the Territories, Bishop Ronald Mayan announced his resignation and retirement effective October 31, 2012.

Bishop Mayan was elected to the position six years ago. In his letter he shared that he felt uplifted in his ministry as Synod Bishop by the "genuine love, respect and consideration" he felt from throughout the synod. "It has been an honour to serve you as your bishop."

"The piece of leadership of the Synod which was mine to do and which I assuredly know was Gods will for me has now been completed," said Bishop Mayan as an explanation of his retirement which comes two years before his current four-year term is complete. "I have been convinced by the counsel of mentors, friends, and trusted associates that ‘I have no more mountains to climb’ in behalf of our beloved Synod. It seems good to the Spirit and to us that now is the time for me to step down from responsibilities as bishop."

"The whole church joins the Synod of Alberta and the Territories in giving thanks to God for the ministry of Bishop Ron Mayan, and in wishing him and his wife Dianne all the best in retirement," said ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson. "I ask all members of the ELCIC to join me in praying for the Synod as they prepare to gather in special convention and elect a new bishop."

In a meeting of ABT Synod Council, members shared their deep gratitude for the service of Bishop Mayan and officially granted him retired status. A book of gratitude will be circulated throughout the Synod’s upcoming conference conventions for members to add their messages of appreciation.

As a way of moving the Synod forward "as quickly and seamlessly as possibly," Synod Council approved a motion to meet in special convention on Saturday, October 27, 2012. The motion comes in compliance with ABT Synod Bylaws, Part V. Section 10a : Special conventions for specified purposes shall be called by the chairperson of the synod within ninety days of receiving in writing a request for such a convention from: i. The synod council by at least a two-thirds majority vote, ….  

As per Synod Bylaws, delegates to this special convention will be, "the lay delegates who were seated in the preceding regular convention provided that they have not been disqualified by termination of membership in the congregation they represented; Ordained ministers on the roster of the Synod at the time of the special convention; and Diaconal ministers on the roster of the Synod at the time of the special convention."

Synod Council announced that the agenda for the special convention will include: "election of bishop; and an amendment to the synod bylaws which would allow for a triennial convention of the Synod rather than a biennial."

The Rev. Timothy Posyluzny, chair of ABT’s Synod Council asked members of the synod to, "continue to hold Bishop Ron and Dianne in your prayers as they begin this new chapter in their lives and ministry; and, please remember in prayer our Synod as we move into the future Our Lord is preparing for us."

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Highlights from National Church Council’s fall meeting

Winnipeg, 12 September 2012 — The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canadas (ELCIC) National Church Council (NCC) met in Winnipeg from September 6-8. Council members conduct the business of the church between National Conventions. The following is an overview of highlights from the meeting.

Long time national office staff person retires, thanked for service to the church

NCC members were advised that Faye Schultz, long time national office staff person, recently retired after 13 years of service. Most recently, Schultz served as Executive Assistant to the Office of the Bishop. I would like to publically thank Faye for her service to the church, said ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson. "Her warm and welcoming presence at the National Office will be greatly missed."

World Interfaith Harmony Week endorsed

NCC members endorsed a request from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to observe the first week of February every year as World Interfaith Harmony Week. ELCIC members are encouraged to participate in this observance.

World Interfaith Harmony Week was adopted unanimously by the UN General Assembly in New York in October 2010. The adoption was based on the recognition of the need for dialogue among different faiths and religions, and highlights that the moral imperative of all religions, convictions and beliefs calls for peace, tolerance and mutual understanding. At its meeting in June 2011, The LWF Council adopted a resolution to encourage LWF member churches to observe the first week of February every year as the World Interfaith Harmony Week.

‘Supporting Families’ resource commended to ELCIC congregations and members

At the invitation of the Coalition on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth, NCC members endorsed a ‘Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children
and Youth,’ and commended the Joint Statement to the congregations and members of the ELCIC as a tool for living out the call to ‘Support Families’, one of the focuses contained in the 2011 ELCIC Social Statement on Human Sexuality.

In the ‘Doing Ministry’ section of the ELCIC Social Statement on Human Sexuality, the ELCIC commits to Support Families. The Joint Statement outlines both the negative aspect of physical punishment, and advocates for effective discipline. The call for parenting education is parallel to the ELCIC call to teach values. Legal protection from assault is a specific policy that intends to name violence as violence, and to draw a line that encourages people to look for alternative discipline measures.

The Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth has been recently endorsed by The United Church of Canada and the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.

Update on structural renewal

Sheila Hamilton, chair of the Structural Renewal National Implementation Team provided NCC with an update on the structural renewal process. Members also heard from Synod Bishops on motions pertaining to structural renewal that came forward at their conventions.

NCC members passed a motion that will see them move forward, with changes that are in the purview of the National Church. This includes constitution and bylaw changes to affect the reduction of size of National Convention and NCC, the election of National Convention delegates by Synods, payment of delegates expenses to be the responsibility of the Synods, and the move to triennial conventions. During this meeting, NCC worked on proposed constitutional and administrative bylaw changes. These changes will come before the 2013 Joint Assembly for a first reading. If they pass, will come to the 2015 National Convention again for final approval.

As a follow up to several motions at Synod Conventions inviting further discussion among synods, NCC passed a motion to encourage the Synods to convene a consultative process. The motion invites synods to have further discussions on structural renewal in the areas of synod amalgamation and area strategy teams.

NCC members also passed a motion asking the National Church to, communicate information about the planned changes to be presented at the 2013 National Convention for synods, rostered leaders and congregations.

2013 Joint Assembly planning

Council received an update on preparations for the 2013 Joint Assembly. Next year marks the first Joint Assembly of the ELCIC and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC). The event, which takes place in Ottawa from July 3-7, 2013, will gather more than 1000 Christians for worship, fellowship and important ministry decisions. Both the ELCIC and ACC will hold their full national business sessions (National Convention and General Synod, respectively) at this event. During the five days together, Lutherans and Anglicans will gather jointly and separately under the assembly theme of Together for the love of the world.

NCC members participate in ELCIC Praise Appeal

An offering was held during the closing worship service of NCC. Over $1,300 was received and will be directed to the ELCIC Praise Appeal. This national appeal supports the ministry of the wider church.

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National Bishop invites prayers for peace on September 21

Winnipeg, 6 September 2012–Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) National Bishop Susan C. Johnson invites members of the church to pray for the global community on September 21. In a letter to the church from Bishop Johnson, she encourages ELCIC members to add their prayers "to those of our sisters and brothers around the world" and pray for peace. The World Council of Churches marks September 21 as International Day of Prayer for Peace.

The full text of the letter follows.

Dear members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada:

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

I write to you, this early fall day, to ask for your prayers. Pray is one of the seven action words associated with the call to spiritual renewal and deeper discipleship that I am encouraging throughout our church. I invite your prayers in two directions.

First, Id like you to pray for your leaders, for the members of National Church Council (NCC) and for those who support this work. NCC will meet in Winnipeg September 6-8 and have a busy and full agenda ahead of them. Please hold your leaders and your church in your prayers.

Second, I want to invite you to pray for the global community. The World Council of Churches (WCC) marks September 21 as an International Day of Prayer for Peace. Let us add our prayers to those of our sisters and brothers around the world. Let us pray for peace.  

The following are two links, which you might find helpful to you and to your congregation or community. The first is a link to the WCC International Day page and to further resources. The second is the website of Project Ploughshares, a Canadian Council of Churches agency sponsored by nine Canadian churches, including the ELCIC.


I would be grateful if you would join with me in praying for our church, as well as joining with me and with Christians around the world in praying for peace.

Please know that every day my staff and I uphold you and our whole church in prayer.

Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Susan C. Johnson,
National Bishop,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

View a PDF copy of the letter:

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Connections, networks and links key to growing in faith at 2012 Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth gathering

Winnipeg, 22 August 2012 You may never know how your connections may have inspired you or others in their faith, you just have to trust that this will happen, Rev. Dennis Hendricksen told a packed theatre of youth at the closing of the 2012 Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY) gathering.

Speaking on the theme of the gathering Hyperlink, which explores the connections that run through our lives Rev. Hendricksen shared with youth how his attendance at a youth gathering back in 1976 paved the way for his participation at this years event.

A veteran of 17 youth gatherings, Rev. Hendericksen told of the various connections that have woven across his path since his first gathering. Holding up an autograph book from that event he explained, I am here because some people in the past thought it was a good idea to go to a youth gathering and paved the way for me to do so.

Rev. Hendricksen encouraged youth to reach out to connect with one another through a variety of means. An ember removed from the flame quickly loses its light and heat, he stated. We need each other. God does not want just some of us. God wants all of us to be connected. It is your job to help expand the network.

Over 800 Lutheran and Anglican youth from across the country converged at TCU Place in Saskatoon, SK for the national youth gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC).

Rev. Hendricksen was one of six keynote speakers at the event, which also featured messages from ELCIC and ACC bishops.

ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson and ACC Montreal Diocesan Bishop Barry Clarke also spoke at the final large group gathering on Sunday and encouraged youth to find opportunities to share their faith stories, to follow Jesus and live a life full of love and good works.

"It makes a difference to live following Jesus," said Bishop Johnson. "It makes a huge difference in my life to live following Jesus. And it makes a big difference in the world around us."

Anglican National Indigenous Bishop Mark MacDonald was a keynote speaker on Friday morning at the 2nd of 6 large group gatherings.

Bishop MacDonald encouraged youth to open their eyes, ears, hands and hearts to all of creation. Reach out to one another. Embrace one another, he said. God is calling you to be something great. Something important. To do something that matters. And to do it together.

Music and drama were at the center of the large group gathering experiences. Participants also got to attend smaller and more specialized forums on Friday and Saturday where topics ranged from question and answer time with ELCIC and ACC Bishops Johnson and Clarke; to music writing workshops; to exploring the meaning of development and justice with Canadian Lutheran World Relief and Development (CLWR) and the Primates World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF); to discussing the Bible in a Sacred Circle, led by Anglican Indigenous youth leaders; to a workshop from KAIROS on the blanket exercise which explored the historic relationship between Europeans and the Indigenous nations.

On Thursday night, CLAY 2012 participants took to the street as part of a Facebook-it event, which had them out and about in downtown Saskatoon. Youth had to gather as many friends as possible by locating guests and leaders at CLAY who were disguised in some way. Youth had to ask, will you be my Facebook friend. If they found one of the players, they would be rewarded with the response, yes, but only if we hyperlink. The objective of the scavenger hunt was to encourage youth to get out into the community and be engaged in their surroundings.

CLAY 2012 took place August 16-19 in Saskatoon, SK. National youth gatherings take place every two years. This is the second time the gathering has been jointly organized between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada.

It was announced at the end of the gathering that CLAY 2014 is taking place in Kamloops, BC.

Further information on the gathering, along with highlights, are available on the CLAY website at, and on the Facebook page of the ELCIC (

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ELCIC National Bishop congratulates new United Church of Canada moderator on election; lifts up importance of partnership for the two churches

Winnipeg, 18 August 2012 — In a letter sent yesterday, ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson sent greetings and congratulated Rev. Dr. Gary Paterson on his election as the new moderator of the United Church of Canada.

Rev. Paterson, minister at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United in Vancouver, BC is the 41st Moderator of the United Church of Canada. He was elected on Friday on the sixth ballot. The United Church of Canada met for its 41st General Council August 11-18 in Ottawa.

In her letter, Bishop Johnson reflected on Rev. Patersons address to the General Council assembly upon election and his references to the importance of partnership.

The image of partnership is important to me and to our church, said Bishop Johnson. It is also profoundly important to our time in history. Together with you, we seek the visible unity of Christs church as a credible witness to our time.

I look forward to our continued partnership in ministry in reflection of Gods mission in the world, stated Bishop Johnson.

The ELCIC and the United Church of Canada work together in a number of program areas and through a range of ecumenical councils and organizations including KAIROS, the Canadian Council of Churches and World Council of Churches.

A copy of Bishop Johnson’s letter can be viewed here:

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Over 800 Lutheran and Anglican youth to attend gathering in Saskatoon

Winnipeg, 16 August 2012 Over 800 youth from across Canada will converge at TCU Place in Saskatoon, SK from August 16-19 to take part in the 2012 Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY) gathering. Youth from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) will come together to participate in a variety of events, worship, and prayer.

The theme for this years gathering, Hyperlink, explores the various connections youth have in their lives with God, their neighbours and all of creation. CLAY not only brings people and youth together for personal development but also encourages them to experience and learn about the local community, including its history, current issues and culture.

The gathering features six keynote speakers who will address and explore the theme of CLAY during large group gathering sessions. Speakers include: four gifted and creative leaders with expertise in the area of youth ministry (Rev. Tim Wray, pastor at St. Peters Lutheran Church, Millet, AB; Rev. Anne Anderson, pastor at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Hamburg, ON; Jenny Salisbury, assistant program director of Ask & Imagine; and Rev. Dennis Hendricksen, pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, Regina, SK), Canada’s first National Indigenous Bishop (The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, Anglican Church of Canada), and an ecumenical partner with expertise in inter-cultural ministry (Adele Halliday, team leader for Transformational Ministries at the United Church of Canada).

Organized by the ELCIC and ACC, this national gathering takes place every two years and is aimed at youth ages 14-19.

In between gatherings, youth work together on a two-year National Youth Project (NYP). The 2010-12 NYP, 12 For 12: Developing Full Communities, called on youth to support the development work of Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) and the Primates World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF).

Highlights from the gathering will be available online at, as well as on Facebook ( and Twitter (

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Eastern Synod Meets in Assembly

Winnipeg, 17 July 2012 — Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canadas (ELCIC) Eastern Synod met in assembly July 5-8 at Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. Over 300 delegates, special guests, visitors and volunteers gathered for worship, business and fellowship on the campus grounds.

The 2012 Eastern Synod Assembly began with a blessing by Six Nations representatives Father Norm Casey and Leona Moses. A service of Holy Communion followed; ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson preached, Synod Bishop Michael Pryse presided.

Synods covenant for mission graded

In his report to delegates, Bishop Pryse reflected on the synods covenant for mission. Reviewing the five principles of the synods Vision for Mission, Bishop Pryse scored each area using an Olympic-style scoring model.

The synods work in the area of Effective Partnerships scored the highest with an 8 out of 10. Bishop Pryse spoke of strengthening partnerships both within the synod among council, conference deans and ministry directors and with the Anglican Church of Canada, and the synods companion synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guyana

Scoring the lowest in the Bishops report was the synods work around the area of welcoming diversity.

Ive never visited a Lutheran congregation that didnt claim to be friendly and welcome, said Bishop Pryse. But lets be honest, we really struggle when it comes to breaking out of the rigid constraints of tribe and clan.

A church that doesnt reach out isnt holding up its end of the covenant and this is a challenge we absolutely must address with great urgency, challenged Bishop Pryse.

Synod takes steps forward in structural renewal process

Delegates to the Synod Assembly passed first reading motions for proposed constitution and bylaws of the Synod. These motions were put forward in response to recommendations from the ELCICs Structural Renewal Task Force and affirm the process and intent to enable church structures across all expressions to be more flexible, affordable and sustainable.

Delegates adopted a motion that, should the ELCIC Synods fail to develop realistic and sustainable proposals for restructuring and should the National Church Council be unable to bring forward restructuring proposals to their Fall 2013 meeting to maintain the ministry of the National Church, National Church Council be called upon to develop a proposal for an orderly process to wind down the current national structure, and appoint an interim secretariat or other means to facilitate the cooperation and collaboration of ELCIC synods in national and international organizations and initiatives in the future.

Speaking to the motion, Bishop Pryse indicated his hope that this would send a message to sister synods and bishops of the Eastern Synods desire to be a church from sea to sea to sea and the urgency of the current situation of the church structure.

Following the adoption of the motion, delegates passed a motion, that the Eastern Synod Assembly send a message through our bishop to our sister synods and their bishops that: we recognize since 1619 Lutherans have been seeking and struggling amidst adversity to serve God on the soil and seas we now know as Canada; we desire to continue as a national church from sea to sea to sea, a national church that relates to the world; and inasmuch as we are also anxious and concerned for the future of our common evangelical Lutheran voice and mission in Canada and around the world, we value and respect your intention for Spirit-led discernment; we desire to continue seeking and struggling together with you.

Additional motions pertaining to structural renewal were also passed including, that the synod council of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada be authorized to take any and all necessary action to implement changes as per the constitution and bylaws presented and that the Eastern Synod participate fully in further conversation with the other synods and the ELCIC National Church Council to further develop options for the structure of the church.

The synod in assembly also passed motions that will see it: call on governments to develop and/or expand affordable supportive housing strategies; form a volunteer, ad hoc committee that will invite and help shepherd the synod in engaging in an ongoing learning process around the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and find ways to journey together, confronting the reality of racism; and, direct the synod bishop to write to the Prime Minister to express concern at the cuts in refugee health coverage recently announced by the federal government.

Anglican National Indigenous Bishop calls on delegates to remember baptismal call

Anglican Church of Canada Indigenous Bishop Mark MacDonald preached at the closing worship service on the afternoon of Saturday, July 7. Delegates were invited to worship at neighbouring congregations on Sunday morning.  

Bishop MacDonald spoke of his recent involvement at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) meetings in Saskatoon. He spoke of sitting through the many days of testimony and of hearing of the way church people treated [those speaking at the TRC] over the years.

It was very difficult, said Bishop MacDonald, as he reflected on his experience listening to the stories of hurt and pain. The whole arsenal that I was offered when I was trained as a pastor seemed so meagre in the face of so much pain.

During the middle of the TRC gathering, Bishop MacDonald was asked to offer prayer.

This amazing thing happened, he said. Hundreds and hundreds of people lined up they came, elders and children. [And] despite the pain, despite all the obstacles in Indigenous Canada, there are literally thousands of people who are putting together a new life on the basis of their faith in the gospel. Its a powerful thing.

As I look at the traditional things I have done to try to respond to both pain and opportunity, I dont really know what to do, he continued. Its not the preachers, the politicians, the physiologists. Its not the pious. It is the baptized. For us to stand in the face of the pain of the past and the present, to stand with the rich opportunities in front of us of what we have to offer, is the baptism that we have received in Jesus Christ.

Synod meets and exceeds ELCIC Praise Appeal goal

Earlier this year, Eastern Synod congregations and members were personally invited to support the 2012 ELCIC Praise Appeal a national appeal for the church. Bishop Pryse encouraged synod members to do what they could to support the National Church in this very worthy effort as he set a goal of $100,000 for the synod. At a celebratory banquet on Saturday night it was announced that the synod had raised $100,414.

All five ELCIC synods held their conventions and assemblies this year. The Eastern Synod was the final synod to hold such a gathering this year.

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ELCIC 2012 Companion of the Worship Arts Recipient Announced

Winnipeg, 18 June 2012 — The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canadas (ELCIC) Program Committee for Worship is pleased to announce The Reverend Dr. Jann E. Boyd has been chosen as recipient of the 2012 Companion of the Worship Arts Award.

The Companion of the Worship Arts Award is presented biennially in recognition of significant contributions to the national worship life of the ELCIC.

Rev. Boyd is Professor of Worship and Homiletics and Dean of Chapel at Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon. For 18 years she has taught, mentored, and profoundly influenced and shaped seminary students and others in the sacred arts of worship and preaching, and modelled a gracious presence and evangelical fervour as a presider and preacher. She served on the ELCIC national Program Committee for Worship from 2001 2004, as a participant in the inaugural Renewing Worship Consultation, and as a project consultant, writer, and review committee member for the Renewing Worship project from 2001 -2006. She served as lead author for the rite for the Ordination of Bishops of the ELCIC, presented a paper on The Implications of the New Perspectives on Paul for Homiletics to the Convocation of the Association of Teaching Theologians of the ELCA and ELCIC in 2009 and has made presentations at ELCIC Synod Study Conferences and the National Worship Conference.    

In letters of nomination, Rev. Boyd is recognized by colleagues and students as …one of the ELCICs greatest, although often unsung, influencers of the worship life of the church in the western Canadian context in particular, but also throughout North America. Rev. Boyd inspired us to try new things, to incorporate the arts, and invest ourselves in the worship life of our communities.

Rev. Boyd is not only a fine teacher and scholar, she is also a pastor. She listens. She is open and ready to share advice and engage discussion. This has been invaluable for me and many others. She was a master at nurturing the creative efforts of her students, gently provoking us to explore new ways to proclaim by word, action, sight, sound, and taste the immeasurable grace of Christ.

Rev. Boyd holds a BA with Honours from the University of Pennsylvania, MDiv and STM with Honours from Lutheran Theological Seminary Philadelphia, and a PhD in English from the University of Saskatchewan. She has published numerous articles, book chapters and papers, and served four congregations before beginning her seminary teaching.

Rev. Boyd is married to Rev. Dr. Kevin Ogilvie and together they have four children.    

The 2012 Companion of the Worship Arts Award will be presented to Rev. Boyd by ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson at a public ceremony during the National Anglican Lutheran Worship Conference at St. Johns College, University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, on July 1.

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ELCIC Saskatchewan Synod Convention Meets in Convention

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) Saskatchewan (SK) Synod met in convention June 1-3 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Over 200 delegates, visitors, guests and volunteers came together for three days of worship, workshops and business sessions.

Opening worship was held Friday afternoon. ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson preached and Synod Bishop Cindy Halmarson presided.

In her report to delegates, Bishop Halmarson noted that this year marked her 10th year in the office of bishop. "This is a covenant we have made with one another," she said. "It’s a covenant I take very seriously."

Bishop Halmarson commented on the unique landscape of the SK Synod. She noted that the greatest opportunity for the synod was in terms of the growth taking place in communities throughout the synod. "I can’t think of a community [in our synod] that doesn’t have new people coming in," she said.

Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen provided two workshops focused around what it means to be "Lutheran Today".

"[Being Lutheran] is a particular way of being Christian," said Rev. Jensen. "The heart of Lutheranism is the phrase ‘God is at the centre’ – at the centre God is in charge and our lives revolve around God."

"We are justified by God, and that means we are set forth to move out of the church and engage in the whole world," challenged Rev. Jensen. "Instead of being curved in on ourselves, we are curved outward to be all about others. Our Lutheran theology calls us to be ‘shakers and movers’ and engage in justice for others. We are justified and liberated in order to serve."

Convention delegates were presented with motions on structural renewal, which were similar to motions before the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta and the Territories conventions. Motions regarding amalgamation with another synod in the ELCIC were defeated by SK Synod delegates. Delegates did pass a motion that will see "Synod Council initiate a process to review its constitution and by-laws to consider aspects of the structural renewal proposals that may have merit for [the] synod and might result in affordability, sustainability, and flexibility for more effective mission."

The convention’s youth assembly was comprised of five youth from around the province and two youth assembly coordinators. Youth delegates participate fully in the convention proceedings at the SK Synod and have full voice and vote. In their reflections to delegates, youth challenged the church to put appropriate resources towards youth funding as a way of lifting up the voice of youth in the church.

"We are a lot like you," said one youth. "We have concerns for the church just like you. We have passions for the church just like you. We like to share, just like you. As we have come from all over with different ideas and passions, we work for a common goal – sharing the Good News."

All five ELCIC Synods will meet in convention in 2012. Four synods have already held their conventions this year. The Eastern Synod will hold their assembly in Waterloo, ON from July 5-8.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 145,376 baptized members in 594 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.

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For more information, please contact:
Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6

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