Three weeks to the start of the 2009 ELCIC National Convention. Countdown to Convention has all the highlights to keep you up-to-date on what’s taking place at this year’s gathering.
Countdown to Convention E-newsletter
With just four weeks to the ELCIC’s National Convention, be sure to tune in to the new Countdown to Convention e-newsletter to read highlights of our upcoming gathering!
Countdown to Convention E-newsletter
Just five weeks to convention! Find out about volunteer opportunities, how Bible study will be central to this year’s convention and why you should attend the church’s national gathering in this week’s Countdown to Convention e-newsletter.
Countdown to Convention E-newsletter
In less than six weeks, Lutherans from across the ELCIC will meet in Vancouver for the 12th Biennial National Convention taking place June 25-28. As we count down the weeks to convention we will highlight what’s new, what to watch for, how to keep informed and news to know in the weekly newsletter Countdown to Convention.
Faithful Preparation for Pandemic
As public health officials continue to closely monitoring the H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu) that has struck Mexico, the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world, whether this outbreak spreads widely or not, it is an occasion for individuals, families, and congregations to take basic steps of preparedness.
The ELCIC has assembled links and resources with information on H1N1 for individual or congregations use at:
Joint Anglican-Lutheran Easter Video Message
The leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) again mark their churches’ full communion relationship by issuing a joint video message for Easter.
In this short video, Bishop Susan C. Johnson, national bishop of the ELCIC, and Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the ACC, speak about the importance of Holy Week, particularly during this time of economic strain.
Since 2001, the ACC and the ELCIC have been in a full communion relationship, and several joint Anglican-Lutheran parishes and cooperative ministries have sprung up across Canada. Recently leaders of the two churches met in Toronto to discuss greater cooperation between their churches.
Watch the video message here:
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 162,100 baptized members in 611 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.
Material provided through ELCIC Information is intended for reproduction and redistribution by recipients in whatever manner they may find useful.
For more information, please contact:
Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6
Subscribe or unsubscribe to ELCIC Information by emailing with a short message.
Anglican and Lutheran Leaders Meet In Toronto
On March 17 and 18, senior management from the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) met at Church House in Toronto, to discuss cooperation between their churches. Since 2001, the two churches have been in a full communion relationship, which means that confirmations are mutually recognized and clergy can serve at a church of the other denomination.
Thirteen leaders attended, including the national leaders—Archbishop Fred Hiltz (ACC) and National Bishop Susan Johnson (ELCIC)—and directors of communications, finance, and other departments. They shared their current work, challenges, strategic plans, and mapped out their relationships with partners.
The group agreed that although the churches have deepened relations since 2001 (by establishing joint congregations, cooperative local ministries, etc.) there is a need for dramatic and visible next steps. Among many possibilities, they discussed the idea of a joint national office. A small staff and volunteer group will be created to explore this further.
One future cooperation is a joint national gathering planned for 2013, when the Lutheran National Convention and the Anglican General Synod will meet together in Ottawa. Several smaller, joint meetings have already been held and will gather again before 2013. The leaders agreed that this particular meeting of Anglican and Lutheran management teams should happen yearly, alternating between the Winnipeg ELCIC offices and the Toronto ACC offices.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 162,100 baptized members in 611 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.
Material provided through ELCIC Information is intended for reproduction and redistribution by recipients in whatever manner they may find useful.
For more information, please contact:
Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6
Subscribe or unsubscribe to ELCIC Information by emailing with a short message.
ELCIC and CLWR Strengthen Partnership; New Memorandum of Understanding Formally Signed
Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) National Church Council and Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) Board of Directors approved a new Memorandum of Understanding at their respective meetings this March. The strengthened partnership will see the ELCIC and CLWR working together in new and exciting ways to enhance cooperation and effective programming between the two organizations.
“By integrating the work of the ELCIC’s Global Hunger and Development Appeal (GHDA) into the work of CLWR we will present one clear message to ELCIC members, avoiding the ongoing confusion between GHDA and CLWR,” says ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson. “Our resources will be better utilized and more focussed, with better results.”
In addition to the integration of the ELCIC’s Global Hunger and Development Appeal (GHDA) into the work of CLWR, the new partnership will see the establishment of a Joint Program Committee which will plan and implement activities related to leadership development and training, development education, advocacy, and international partner projects. The strengthened relationship will also allow for the creation of a shared approach to generating resources within the ELCIC in accordance with the ELCIC and CLWR principles of stewardship.
To advance their collective witness and service CLWR will act on behalf of the ELCIC in regards to the resettlement of refugees in Canada; responding to global emergencies; and gathering donated commodities such kits and quilts to be sent overseas. International development programming, including support for projects of ELCIC international partners will be undertaken by CLWR in consultation with National and Synodical bodies.
Both CLWR and the ELCIC are committed to raising awareness within the ELCIC membership on issues related to international development and the root causes of hunger and poverty and have agreed to adopt a shared approach to development education and advocacy. The sale of alternative trade products within ELCIC congregations and related organizations through Four Corners alternative trade will continue to be encouraged.
Robert Granke, CLWR Executive Director, notes “Both the ELCIC and CLWR bring unique areas of expertise and efficiency to this partnership and by working more closely together we will be better able to engage the members of the ELCIC in their call to serve those in need.”
The new memorandum of understanding was formally signed by ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson and CLWR President Rev. Mark Harris on March 13, 2009. The terms of the agreement will be implemented starting July 1, 2009.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 162,100 baptized members in 611 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.
Material provided through ELCIC Information is intended for reproduction and redistribution by recipients in whatever manner they may find useful.
For more information, please contact:
Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6
Subscribe or unsubscribe to ELCIC Information by emailing with a short message.
ELCIC’s National Church Council Meets; Focus on Working Towards New Vision
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada’s (ELCIC) National Church Council (NCC) met in Winnipeg from March 5-7, 2009. Council members conduct the business of the church between National Conventions and provide direction to the ELCIC’s National Bishop Susan C. Johnson on how the ELCIC can best live out its call to be a church In Mission for Others.
With committee meetings taking place on Thursday, the formal agenda for this first meeting of NCC in 2009 began on Friday morning with a service of Holy Communion. Rev. Claudine Carlson, Eastern ordained representative, and Edward (Teddy) Pope, Eastern lay representative, led the service. Rev. Carlson offered reflections on the beginning of the Lenten journey.
NCC members had a full agenda before them for this meeting. In her opening remarks, National Bishop Johnson reflected on the agenda saying it was the cumulation of a year and a half of work, since she was elected to the position of National Bishop, coming together for presentation to council for further action. Since her election, National Bishop Johnson has been focused on the strategic direction of the ELCIC and ensuring the long-term financial stability of the church.
Dwelling in the Word
National Bishop Johnson led the first of four "Dwelling in the Word" sessions on the agenda for this meeting. "Dwelling in the Word", where a member of council reflects on how a passage of scripture reading has impacted them in a personal way, is a new addition to the council meetings. During her time "Dwelling in the Word", the bishop shared how two pieces of scripture, Psalm 121 and Luke 2:29-32 had come to be a meaningful part of her life and the connection she had with these readings to a member of her family. Throughout the two days of meetings, NCC also heard reflections on scripture from: Heidi Hesselink, Saskatchewan lay representative; Edward (Teddy) Pope; and Rev. Mark Koenker (Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario ordained representative).
"I felt you were speaking directly to me," said an NCC member after one of the sessions on Thursday. Each "Dwelling in the Word" session is approximately five to ten minute and is in response to NCC’s new vision to foster a climate of Spirited Discipleship and share their own personal faith stories both with one another and in a more wider, intentional way.
ELCIC Group Services Inc. Continues Focus on Retirement Benefit Account
NCC members received an update from ELCIC Group Services Inc. (GSI) regarding the Retirement Benefit Account portion of the ELCIC Pension Plan. John Wolff, president of GSI, spoke about the recent steps taken to "immunize the investment risk" within the pension plan, wherein the assets previously held in a balanced fund, including equities, were transferred to a strictly bond and cash portfolio at the end of 2007. Had it not been for this change in investment policy, the current economic and equity market downturns would have significantly increased the solvency deficiency.
"First and foremost on our minds is the responsibility to our retirees," said Wolff, "as well as the financial burden on our congregations."
Wolff noted that the GSI board is continuously looking for new ways to make things better for both retirees and congregations and that the plan put in place to address the solvency deficiency is on track. Wolff is coming to the end of two consecutive terms in this position and was thanked for his excellent work during this time by National Bishop Johnson.
ELW Continues to Work Towards New Vision
Ruth Vince, executive director of Evangelical Lutheran Women Inc. (ELW), reported on the development of a plan for restructuring and visioning that will be presented to the ELW Board when they meet later in March. Vince spoke of changes to financial structuring and how the work of the ELW is focused.
Pam Radunsky, president of ELW who was present for the entire NCC meeting, added, "the ELW Board is very committed to engaging with the church and with other partners to continue to be relevant but [ELW] can’t do that in isolation."
ELCIC Strengthens Partnership with Canadian Lutheran World Relief
In recent months, leadership of the ELCIC and Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) has initiated conversations to explore new ways in which they may work together. At this meeting of NCC, members received a report from ELCIC and CLWR and heard from Robert Granke, executive director of CLWR, regarding a new vision which would more fully pursue a common ministry serving members of the ELCIC called to be In Mission for Others.
A new Memorandum of Understanding between our two bodies, "moves us in this new direction," noted Granke who went on to say that this enhanced effective partnership would help strengthen the work of the ELCIC and CLWR together and allow for a more shared approach to mission in this area.
NCC members approved the new terms of partnership which will see the integration of the ELCIC’s Global Hunger and Development Appeal (GHDA) into the work of CLWR, along with the establishment of a Joint Program Committee which will plan and implement activities related to leadership development and training, development education, advocacy, and international partner projects. In addition, the strengthened relationship will allow for the creation of a shared approach to generating resources within the ELCIC in accordance with the ELCIC and CLWR principles of stewardship. The new partnership will also be presented for approval to CLWR board members who will meet later in March.
Mission in the World Moves in a New Direction
NCC members ratified recommendations from ELCIC Mission in the World (MW) to move towards a new direction for the world mission program.
"There is much to be gained by moving in this direction," said National Bishop Johnson. "It is our commitment to the program that made us decide to take the steps that we have in this area."
NCC approved a stronger relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) which will transition the MW program to a new model to be known as ELCIC Global Mission and further integrate program areas and functions with ELCA Global Mission.
The MW report to NCC notes that the ELCIC’s commitment, "to God’s mission in the world remains undiminished, and the National Bishop, along with MW staff, support fully that commitment." It further notes that the present financial realities have required a search for something different than what the church is currently doing in this area and due to the strong ties between the ELCIC and ELCA, even through predecessor bodies, this has offered up new possibilities, in addition to the very real ways in which the two churches have long been working together.
NCC Adopts New Strategic Plan
Members of NCC received and adopted a new strategic plan which will guide the focus of the National Office. The plan follows the mandate NCC put in place at the March 2008 meeting where it developed five pillars (Effective Partnerships, Compassionate Justice, Diverse Faces, Focused Framework and Spirited Discipleship) as the guiding principles towards carrying out the ELCIC’s call to be a church In Mission for Others. The strategic plan effectively provides concrete areas of focus for the National Office’s work in these five areas and defines the ELCIC’s strategic direction and goals for service.
As part of their responsibility to provide strategic direction, NCC also reviewed a Resource Generation Discussion Paper that was first presented at the National/Synodical Consultation in February 2009. The discussion paper details the patterns of financial support in the church over the past two decades, makes predictions for future trends regarding giving and the allocation of funds at all levels in the church, and identifies opportunities for increased financial support. NCC affirmed in principle the report of the task force and called for the development of an implementation strategy.
On Saturday, NCC approved a proposal to appoint a task force to begin considering restructuring proposals for the ELCIC. The task force will look at developing a structure for the church that considers how to best equip the ELCIC to be a church In Mission for Others while identifying function, form and size of national and synodical levels of the church, as well as national convention. The task force will be asked to review the proposal based on segments of the church’s constituency and how those areas could be improved or impacted. Interim reports from the task force will be prepared for future NCC meetings with a detailed proposal brought forward for the 2011 National Convention.
NCC also took time to consider the development of a proposed policy on the ELCIC’s position regarding conflict in the Middle East. ELCIC bishops participated in a week-long series of meetings with religious, political and community leaders in Israel and the West Bank from January 6-13, 2009. The trip, part of the 2009 Bishops’ Academy, was planned as a witness to God’s will for a just peace for all people and as an expression of accompaniment with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and ministries of the Lutheran World Federation.
Closing Worship and Next Meeting
NCC concluded with Closing Worship on Saturday afternoon. NCC members will meet next on June 24, 2009, the day prior to the ELCIC’s National Convention. For further information on NCC, visit their web pages at:
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 162,100 baptized members in 611 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.
Material provided through ELCIC Information is intended for reproduction and redistribution by recipients in whatever manner they may find useful.
For more information, please contact:
Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6
Subscribe or unsubscribe to ELCIC Information by emailing with a short message.
ELCIC National and Synodical Officers Meet in Winnipeg for Consultation; Evangelism, Outreach and Stewardship Key to Living Out Call to be a Church In Mission for Others
From February 6-8, the officers of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and its five synods, along with an observer from the Evangelical Lutheran Women, met in Winnipeg for a facilitated consultation. Officers examined current resource trends affecting the ELCIC, explored the impact of current and future financial challenges, and discussed the necessity to consider structural change to administration and programs.
While work in preparation for the meeting had begun months ago in order to provide a broad understanding of the current realities facing the church, the consultation is considered to be starting point for future dialogue that is critical at all levels within the ELCIC.
"There is a broad consensus in the leadership across our church that we need to work together to address the financial challenges facing our church," says National Bishop Susan C. Johnson. "We agree we need some form of smaller administrative structure to allow us to focus on being a church In Mission for Others."
The agenda for the meeting, which both commenced and concluded with a service of Holy Communion, involved participants in both large group and small group settings.
In response to a draft discussion paper prepared by a Resource Generation Task Force appointed by the National Bishop in May 2008, which details the patterns of financial support in the church over the past two decades, makes predictions for the future and identifies opportunities for increased financial support, the consultation participants expressed strong encouragement for the task force to continue its work. The officers identified an urgent need for conversation on structural change to continue and expressed a willingness to "keep everything on the table" as discussions proceed.
Officers also expressed a need for increased attention in the areas of evangelism, outreach and stewardship as the ELCIC seeks to live out the call to be a church In Mission for Others.
Outcomes and recommendations from the National/Synodical consultation will be forwarded on to the ELCIC’s National Church Council which meets in Winnipeg from March 5-7, 2009.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is Canada’s largest Lutheran denomination with 162,000 baptized members in 613 congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.
Material provided through ELCIC Information is intended for reproduction and redistribution by recipients in whatever manner they may find useful.
For more information, please contact:
Trina Gallop, Director of Communications
302-393 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB R3B 3H6
Subscribe or unsubscribe to ELCIC Information by emailing with a short message.