Delegates to the ELCIC’s Synod of Alberta and the Territories (ABT) Convention re-elected Rev. Dr. Larry Kochendorfer as Synod Bishop for a second term. The election came on the first ballot for Bishop.
Following the announcement of the election, Synod Bishop Larry Kochendorfer asked convention delegates to join in covenant with him as he accepted the call to a second term.
"When you elected me in October 2012, I asked you to be in covenant with me," said Bishop Kochendorfer, "and I want to ask you again to be in covenant with me."
Bishop Kochendorfer was first elected to a two-year term in 2012.
The ABT Synod met in convention June 19 – 21, 2014 in Camrose, AB.
Highlights of the ABT Synod Convention can be found as follows: