ELCIC members step forward in support of partners in the ELCJHL

At the beginning of November, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada launched an appeal to support our partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL).

To date, ELCIC support for this appeal has enabled the goal of $263,000 to have reached past the half-way point.

“I am absolutely delighted with the support of our ELCIC members,” says ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson. “I urge you, if you haven’t already made a donation yet, please do so.”

The ELCJHL Appeal was launched following an update ELCJHL Bishop Dr. Sani-Ibrahim Azar shared on the impact of the Israel-Hamas war with the ELCIC.

Bishop Azar noted that due to the increase in violence, schools have had to close; checkpoints between the West Bank and Jerusalem and between areas such as Ramallah and Bethlehem have been nearly completely closed off, preventing many people in these communities from being able to travel to and from work; and there has been a devastating impact on families whose livelihoods are connected to the tourism and hospitality industry. Bishop Azar asked for support in helping to cover one month of salaries of teachers at ELCJHL schools and half of the salary for ELCJHL pastors, which amounts to $263,000.

“These are our sibling Lutherans,” Bishop Johnson noted. “I spoke to Bishop Azar recently and he told me what a difference this is going to make in people’s lives at a time when the local church is needed more than ever.”

To assist in reaching the ELCJHL emergency appeal donation target, the ELCIC’s National Church Council approved a one-time contribution to the appeal for $100,000. The Eastern Synod – which serves as a companion partner of the ELCJHL – has provided another $25,000. Direct donations from individual ELCIC members is over $20,000, with more yet to come in from congregational giving.  

You are invited to help support our partners through a financial contribution to the ELCJHL Appeal. 

Financial donations may be given in two ways:

  1. Through your local congregation by designating your offering to ELCJHL Appeal.
  2. Online through the ELCIC National Office at secure.elcic.ca.