In the continuing spirit of full communion, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Companion of the Worship Arts (CWA).
The CWA is awarded every three years in recognition of significant contributions to the worship life of both churches. Since 2014, one Anglican and one Lutheran recipient receive the honour, recognizing ongoing inspiration and encouragement to others, and service to God, through worship, spirituality and the arts.
This year’s Lutheran recipient is the Rev. Lyle McKenzie. He has served as Pastor/Developer of All Saints Lutheran in Calgary, AB, as Pastor/Chaplain of Augustana University in Camrose, AB, Pastor/Co-Pastor of Lutheran Church of the Cross in Victoria, BC, and Chaplain/Spiritual Care Provider in Multifaith at the University of Victoria. He also served for over ten years as ELCIC’s Assistant to the Bishop for Worship. Rev. McKenzie has worked on the worship planning teams of ELCIC National Conventions, Anglican Lutheran Assemblies, Alberta and BC Synod Conventions, National Worship Conferences, ordinations of bishops, pastors, and deacons, and national youth gatherings. In local contexts, he has worked with others to develop diverse and creative expressions of worship and the arts, as well as student chaplain, choral scholar, and artist-in-residence programs for young adults to share in worship training and leadership.
This year’s Anglican recipient is the Ven. Dr. Richard Leggett. With an extensive record of academic publication in the fields of liturgics and ecumenical studies, Archdeacon Leggett has been committed to using his scholarship in the service of the church. He has served in leadership roles in Anglican-Lutheran dialogue, in championing the diaconate in The Anglican Church of Canada, in contributing to active discernment of inculturation, particularly in First Nations contexts, and in liturgical textual work. His most significant contributions to liturgical development include work on revised and new texts authorized by the General Synod, most recently his careful curation of Pray Without Ceasing: Morning and Evening Prayer for All Seasons and for Ordinary Time, and his leadership of the group that created Additional Collects for the Revised Common Lectionary, both authorized by the General Synod of 2019. He is also the sole author of the Inclusive Language Psalter, commended for use across the Church.
The CWA awards will be presented by ACC Primate Linda Nicholls and ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson at the 2024 National Worship Conference “STONES CRY OUT: Praying with the land,” which will take place from July 18-21, in Regina, Saskatchewan. For more information, visit