Living Out God’s Grace & Unconditional Love

This summer, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada unveiled its new logo and tagline.

The language that ultimately became the new vision statement was gathered directly from feedback at gatherings across the church, through surveys, and then testing the statement using focus groups.

God’s grace and unconditional love call us to be a diverse, inclusive community that celebrates all and upholds life-giving relationships.”

This new vision statement challenges the ELCIC to be outward-focused, rooted in God’s grace and unconditional love, and calling all to be a diverse, inclusive community that celebrates all and upholds life-giving relationships. 

During the launch of the new logo and tagline at Synod Conventions and Assemblies across the ELCIC in spring 2024, a new video was also shared. It can be viewed below or on YouTube. The video offers reflections from individuals across the church on, “what the ELCIC means to them, and how this new logo and tagline will help us live that out more fully.”

It is hoped that congregations across the church will share this video with their members. Download a copy of the video via Box: