The underwriter of our national insurance program has provided risk control bulletins to assist ELCIC member congregations in terms of managing risk.
- Cold Weather Slip and Fall Prevention for Places of Worship bulletin outlines what you can do to reasonably protect your members and your organization during the winter months. This bulletin outlines a Snow and Ice Clearing Program that will go a long way to reducing the risk of slips and falls on the property, and provides suggestions for spring maintenance.
- Protecting Places of Worship Fire Safety bulletin outlines steps that can be taken by members of the congregation to safeguard your place of worship from the ravages of fire.
- Holiday Preparations Reminder bulletin outlines what you can do during the holiday season at your place of worship to minimize risks due to the use of candles, lights, ladders, trees and decorations, the staging of special events, and adverse weather conditions.
- Maintain Your Roof bulletin outlines what you can do to institute a formal Roof Maintenance Program so that you will be able to detect and repair minor problems before they become major problems. The bulletin also includes a roof maintenance checklist.
- Ladders in the Workplace bulletin will assist you in understanding and managing the risks of using ladders at your congregation. Four steps toward ladder “best practises” are outlined in the bulletin.
- Sump Pump bulletin outlines information to ensure the optimal performance of your sump pump.