The ELCIC commits itself to engaging the diverse faces of the world in which we live. This church recognizes that meeting diverse peoples and forming a truly inclusive community is a journey of discovery that will include moments of discomfort and anxiety. This church celebrates the vital role that congregations play in helping diverse people of faith to meet and to form community.


Access Intimacy the Missing Link

Crip time, Ellen Samuels. (2017) Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time. Disability Studies Quarterly. 37. 10.18061/dsq.v37i3.5824. (listen to a reading here

Miriam Spies, “Cripping the Failed Body of Christ,” in Decolonizing Church, Theology, and Ethics in Canada, ed. Becca Whitla and Néstor Medina (Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, forthcoming).

Models of Disability

Thomas E. Reynolds, “Communal Boundaries Dwelling Together and the Cult of Normalcy,” in Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality, 1 edition. (Grand Rapids, Mich: Brazos Press, 2008), 46–69.

The Canadian Journal of Theology, Disability and Mental Health 

The Mad and Crip Theology Podcast 

Becoming the Baptized Body Disability and the Practice of Christian Community, Sarah   Jean Barton. Cn; IDD/LD; Ethics; Theo; Ethno. Start here

The Cerulean Soul: A Relational Theology of Depression, Peter J. Bellini. Cn; IDD/LD; Theo; MH.

Wondrously Wounded: Theology, Disability, and the Body of Christ, Brian Brock. Cn;

Systematics, IDD/LD, Theo; Practical Theology.

Disability: Living into the Diversity of Christ's Body, Brian Brock. Cn; Systematics, IDD/LD; Theo; BR; Practical Theology.

Crippled Grace: Disability, Virtue Ethic, and the Good Life, Shane Clifton. Cn; Ethics; Theo; DS

Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness: Exploring Missiology Through the Lens of Disability Studies, Ben T. Conner. Cn; Theo; Ethno; DS

The Work of Inclusion: An Ethnography of Grace, Sin, and Intellectual Disabilities, Lorraine Cuddeback-Gedeon. Cn; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theo; Ethno; CP; DS

Formed Together: Mystery, Narrative, and Virtue in Christian Caregiving, Keith Dow. Cn;Ethics; IDD/LD; Theo; CP

Disabling Leadership: A Practical Theology for the Broken Body of Christ, Andrew T. Draper, Jody Michele, and Andrea Mae. Cn; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theo; CP; DS; MH; Healing; BR.

Where Paralytics Walk and the Blind See: Stories of Sickness and Disability at the Juncture of Worlds, Mary Dunn. Cn; DS; Hist.

Grace is a Pre-existing Condition: Faith, Systems, and Mental Healthcare, David-Finnegan-Hosey. Cn; Theo; MH; Healing; BR; Spirituality.

Christ on the Psych Ward, David Finnegan-Hosey. Cn; Theo; MH; Healing; BR; Spirituality Disability Pedagogy: Mapping the Lay of the Land Wabash Center Grant, 2023.

Disability and Spirituality: Recovering Wholeness, William C. Gaventa. Cn; Jud; Islam; Ethics;IDD/LD; CP; DS; Inter; Hist; Spirituality; BR.

Reconsidering Intellectual Disability: L’Arche, Medical Ethics, and Christian Fellowship, Jason Reimer Greig. Cn; IDD/LD; CP; Ethics; Bioethics

Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion, Lamar Hardwick. Cn; CP; BR

The Lives of Jessie Sampter: Queer, Disabled, Zionist, Sarah Imhoff. Jud; TS; Ethics; Theo; Hist; BR; Gender and Sexuality

Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice: A Catholic Perspective, Mary Jo Iozzio. Cn; NT; HB/OT; CP; DS; Ethics; Hist; Inter; Bio; BR.

My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church, Amy Kenny. Cn; DS; Theo; Healing; BR.

Sense and Stigma in the Gospels: Depictions of Sensory Disabled Characters, Louise Lawrence. NT; TS; IDD/LD; DS; Healing; Inter. 

Camphill and the Future: Spirituality and Disability in an Evolving Communal Movement, Dan McKanan. Cn; IDD/LD; Ethno; CP; DS; BR; New Religious Movements, Western Esotericism.

Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church, Bethany McKinney Fox. Cn; NT; TS; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theology; CP; DS; Healing; BR

Accessible Atonement: Disability, Theology, and the Cross of Christ, David McLachlan. Cn; NT; HB/OT; IDD/LD; Theo; Systematics; DS; Healing.

The Bible and Disability: A Commentary, Ed. Sarah J. Melcher, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Amos Yong. HB/OT; TS; Ethics; IDD/LD; DS; MH; Bio; Healing; Inter

Prophetic Disability: Divine Sovereignty and Human Bodies in the Hebrew Bible, Sarah J. Melcher. HB/OT; TS; DS

Meaning in Our Bodies: Sensory Experience as Constructive Theological Imagination, Heike Peckhruhn. Theo; DS; Inter 

Disability Pedagogy: Mapping the Lay of the Land, Wabash Center Grant, 2023. 

From Inclusion to Justice: Disability, Ministry, and Congregational Leadership, Erin Raffety. Cn; NT; H; Theo; Ethnography; CP; DS; Inter; BR

Disability, Providence, and Ethics: Bridging Gaps, Transforming Lives, Hans S. Reinders Cn; IDD/LD; Ethics; Theo.

Disability in Islamic Law, Vardit Rispler-Chaim. Is; TS.

Disability and Isaiah’s Suffering Servant, Jeremy Schipper. HB/OT; DS.

Disability and World Religions: An Introduction, Edited by Darla Y. Schumm and Michael Stoltzfus. WR; Ethics.

Disability in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Sacred Texts, Historical Traditions, and Social Analysis, edited by Darla Schumm and Michael J. Stoltzfus. WR; Ethics.

The Disabled Church: Human Difference and the Art of Communal Worship, Rebecca F. Spurrier. IDD/LD; MH; Theo; CP; Ethno.

Disability’s Challenge to Theology: Genes, Eugenics, and the Metaphysics of Modern Medicine, Devan Stahl. Cn; Bio; Hist; Genetic Disability

Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship, John Swinton. Cn; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theo; CP; DS; Healing; BR

Dementia: Living into the Memories of God, John Swinton. Cn; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theo; CP; DS; Healing; BR

Finding Jesus in the Storm: The Spiritual Lives of Christians with Mental Health Challenges, John Swinton. Cn; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theo; CP; DS; Healing; BR

Rabbinic Tales of Destruction: Gender, Sex, and Disability in the Ruins of Jerusalem, Julia Watts Belser. Jud; TS; DS; Hist; Rabbinic Literature; Gender and Sexuality.

Toward a Theology of Psychological Disorder, Maria Webb. Cn; IDD/LD; Theo; DS; MH; Healing; BR.

Disability in Medieval Christian Philosophy and Theology, Scott M. Williams. Cn; NT; Ethics; IDD/LD; Theology; Systematics; DS; Hist; Gender; Ableism/Anti-Ableism.