The ELCIC is called to oppose sexual exploitation in all its manifestations. This includes addressing social and economic injustices that leave people more vulnerable to exploitation.

As a church this means:

  • Being critical of messages, images, policies, and practices that diminish the dignity of individuals or groups
  • Journeying with, learning from, and advocating for those who have been exploited
  • Speaking out against people choosing to engage in exploitive behaviour
  • Learning effective ways to support those who are sincerely trying to repent of oppressive behaviour
  • Opposing all practices that turn the human body into a commodity to be bought and sold
  • Advocating for laws and policies that seek to prevent sexual exploitation in all its manifestations


Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Report

How to Handle a Q and A:

Doctrine of Discovery – Rev. Dr. Néstor Medina

Safe Spaces Are Not Enough to Change the World.

Home Engagement Resource

This resource package offers weekly and/or daily reflection activities to help reimagining 

Christian practices through the lens of the Seven Sacred Teachings.

The Circle for Reconciliation and Justice looked at the 2024 calendar and noted that there are 7 weeks between May 5th when we traditionally acknowledge MMIGW, and June 21 when we acknowledge National Indigenous Peoples Day. We see this as an enriching opportunity to engage congregations Canada-wide for 7 weeks in well-planned reflection activities for folks of all ages.

We even see possibilities for pastors to weave the weekly themes into their services next spring, and the activities for children could be woven into Sunday school programs.  It could be a wonderful transition into National Indigenous History Month, which is June.

Rebekah Ludolph prepared the Home Resource for the Kanata Centre at Luther, host of the exhibition, and she gives her blessing for this resource to be shared with Lutherans across the country.