The ELCIC celebrates the truth that sexuality is part of God’s good creation. We relate to one another and to God as sexual beings. We will lift up positive images of healthy sexuality that nurture relationship and person. We articulate and lift up our vision of lives as sexual creatures longing for companionship and capable of deep levels of intimacy, love and care.


Gender Sexuality Glossary

Facts About Pronouns

Celebrating Trans and Two-Spirited People in Communities of Faith

Reconciling Works Online Training

Our life was the picture of normal until Terry came out’ By Trisha Elliott

A Sermon for Pride- Rev. Steve Hoffard

Vines, Matthew. God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships, New York:Convergent Books, reprint 2015. 

Martin, Colby. UnClobber: Expanded Edition with Study Guide: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2022. 

Lee, Justin. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate, New York: Jericho Books, 2012.