National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson has written to the church in advance of National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, a day “intended to strengthen and encourage us in daily practices and actions for truth, healing and reconciliation.”

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Jerusalem and the Holy Land Sunday

The ELCIC joins with the Anglican Church of Canada in lifting up the seventh Sunday of Easter as Jerusalem and the Holy Land Sunday. This year, Jerusalem and the Holy Land Sunday is May 29, 2022.

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Ken Hartviksen, former ELCIC treasurer, dies

Ken Hartviksen, former treasurer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), died unexpectantly on Wednesday, April 13 in the intensive care unit at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, from complications due to minor surgery.

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An Earth Day message from Lutheran, Anglican leaders

Leaders from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada share an Earth Day message. The text from the letter follows. A pdf version can be downloaded here.

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Evolving ministry in IELU sees new classrooms nearing completion

For many years, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) has been in partnership with Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Unida (IELU). This church-to-church relationship, also known as a bilateral relationship, is one of the many ways the ELCIC lives out its call to ministry in the area of Global Mission.

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“I have seen the Lord.”

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada National Bishop Susan Johnson and Anglican Church of Canada Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls share an Easter message reminding us of the hope, joy and promise of the risen Christ.

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An Update on the 2022 ELCIC National Convention

Following prayerful consideration at its March 2022 meeting, the ELCIC’s National Church Council (NCC) made the decision to hold the 2022 ELCIC National Convention as a virtual online gathering to conduct essential business of the church and to hold a special in-person convention in 2023 to allow time for a fuller gathering experience. 

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A Statement from the ELCIC’s National Church Council on Ukraine

The ELCIC’s National Church Council met virtually from March 4-6, 2022. As part of their work, they issued the following statement.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) joins the World Council of Churches, The Lutheran World Federation, and the Canadian Council of Churches in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and global solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

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Deadline extended – Leadership Award

Do you know someone, rostered or lay, who should be recognized for their outstanding contributions in service to the wider church? Nominate them for the ELCIC Leadership Award!

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Ukraine emergency appeal

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada through its partnership with Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) calls on its members to respond through prayer and financial support to the urgent humanitarian needs in Ukraine.

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