ELCIC National Bishop writes to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

ELCIC National Bishop Susan C. Johnson has written to the Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations, The Honourable Marc Miller, MP, encouraging resolution of the Stoney Knoll First Nation land claim.

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Bruce Cook elected as Vice-Chair

Bruce Cook was elected Vice-Chair of the ELCIC at the 2022 National Convention. He served on National Church Council since 2013 as a member of the finance committee. Cook is a registered nurse by training and has worked in the insurance industry for many years.

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ELCIC National Office announces new diversity, equity and inclusion position

Beginning August 1, Carmen Ramirez will join the ELCIC National Office in the newly created role of assistant to the bishop for diversity, equity and inclusion.

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“It Has Been a Good Three Years” – National Church Council presents its report to Convention

National Church Council (NCC) presented its report via video to delegates at the 2022 ELCIC National Convention during the first business session.  

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ELCIC National Convention election results now available

Delegates to the 2022 ELCIC National Convention have voted for National Church Council, Court of Appeal and Officers of the Church.

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ELCIC Bishop apologizes to 2SLGBTQIA+ community

“Today I apologize to the members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community for the ways that we have not lived up to our commitments and to the ways we have treated you in the past and even now,” Bishop Susan Johnson shared.

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“Your faith has been a light for so many” – CLWR executive director praises ELCIC members

Rev. Dr Karin Achtelstetter, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) executive director, addressed convention delegates on Friday afternoon, sharing an update on CLWR’s ongoing work throughout the COVID pandemic and the recent war in Europe.

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GSI provides update on strong return on investments despite ongoing pandemic

On Friday afternoon, delegates to the 2022 ELCIC National Convention observed a presentation from ELCIC Group Services Incorporated (GSI).

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Over 50 million affected by the Sub-Saharan hunger crisis

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada joins Canadian Lutheran World Relief in asking its members to consider donating to those suffering from hunger in sub-Saharan Africa. 

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National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson has written to the church in advance of National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, a day “intended to strengthen and encourage us in daily practices and actions for truth, healing and reconciliation.”

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